Chance's tube of Ora-gel


Pyro's Animal Cracker Soup Bowl
Pyro's Pez despenser of all knowledge
Chance's tube of Ora-gel
Everything You Didn't Want to know about him...

Oye, yes art is finaly up on this page. more will be added at completely no regular intervals, but hey, that's life. Drop me a line if you like/hate/want to comment on anything i put up here. And go check out Pyro's stuff! this sitebuilding software is giving me fits, so if you cant read some descriptions, i'm working on it. sorry for the inconvenience. :P


Gillian in her were form as Pyroyote, the brilliantly furred coyote. This is almost a shamanic picture, it's not even finished yet. there will be background inside the frame eventually. This style is influenced by the astounding Kyoht, but i'm pleased to say that the stance and at least 90% of the actual figure were drawn without any kind of visual aid. The face needed some help though, and her neat little crashcourse on 'yotes helped immesurably. Thanks Ky!

My freshmen experience.....

I was actually in Air Force ROTC for the first 3 weeks of my college career...needless to say it did not suit me.

everybody now....AAAwwwwwwww

A christmas present for the love of my life and fellow site builder. Chance and Carmen in a loving moment together. everybody now, awwwww...

no tail

Random drawing of a fox wolf hybrid fighter type character. I have no clue how he lost his tail...he just...did. *shrugs* Either by a battle or maybe he knawed it off at the base..ooh ooh i know it got caught in a car door! yeah that's it.

Equalizers Assemble!

Commision for a gaming guildmate of mine. Husk the dwarven Warrior and a good friend. The pics pretty old, but i still like it, sorta.

neigh even

A visual pun on a type of character from one of of Mercedes Lackey's many wonderful novels, The horse loving Shin'a'in.


Chance as a Fox Tribe scout, catching some shut eye. He has all the gear a scout needs to survive, including the vulpine half-spear that is the chosen weapon of his tribe. Based it off of a Navajo design. Half-finished, background to come.

I Live!

So you can say i dropped ROTC like a bad habit. No more 5am PT's for me! ARghh!

it's my kitten : )

Decided to draw my Girlfriend's normaly cougar character Carmen as a domestic Kitty. I think she's pretty damn cute, but then again i'm biased.


One of my first furry pics, Myself as seen on FurryMuck which i'm never on much anymore because of work. Oh well.


She started off as a coyote, another character of my GF's. But then she got colored..and ended up looking like a Doberman, then i noticed the coloration was bassackwards, so she's a mutt. I like her hair though...right? the hair is good ne? i love my blending pencil.


My first pic of my bud Rexx and Myself...he's a bit bigger than me, can ya tell?

I am Evil!

Aalock, assasin on Sherwood Muck. Or was, he got toaded for inactivity. The muck died anyway...


Another Chance and his Gyrfalcon that looks like a crow. Sherwood again. Toaded again.

like brown on snow

Siberian Tiger=Royal Huntsman. Or at least in my mind. He was never a character, so he never got toaded! Maybe i'll start him somewhere else.

to all those left behind

Full Metal Jacket influenced. A movie with vast impact, and disturbing as hell. "This is my rifle..."


My #1 bud on Furry Muck, Rexx_Wolfe. I still owe him another pic. The scanner mangled this one, i think i'll go strangle it now...


A human of noble blood that was captured by a wizard and experimented on, she got him back though in the end...

love you kitten

My Girlfriend wanted me to draw her a pic, this is what came out. I'm glad she liked it. I seem to be going Anime lately. Color and background soon!

Equalizers Unite!

Another commision for Sir Draxill Vane of the Equalizers, my gaming guild. Another great friend online. A Drow Samurai.


OLD TYRAE! first incarnation as a matter of fact. I put this up as comparison. PLEASE tell me i've improved ;)


Another Equalizer. PureMage...a..uh..well a mage. And antoher example of crappy photoshop goodness! OH FOR JOY! Go gradient fills!

Ska Ska Ska You Go Now! Rude Boys and Girls Unite! I LOVE SKA! (can you tell?)