Everything You Didn't Want to know about him...


Pyro's Animal Cracker Soup Bowl
Pyro's Pez despenser of all knowledge
Chance's tube of Ora-gel
Everything You Didn't Want to know about him...

Besides listing personal info about my person that I am sure you are all abosolutely thrilled to read about, this page also gives a glimps into my personal take on religion and spirituality. That is all at the bottom of the page, so if you think you would be offended then please feel free to click that convenent little 'back' button on that browser thingy of yours.



Yup, That's me. A horrible picture i assure you. But then again it's not the highest quality webcam.

So here's a little about me.

My given name happens to be David Hamner, with the middle being Clarkson. Don't ask me, i have no clue where Clarkson came from as a middle name, but since it seems to go back genereation after generation on my father's side I have it as well.

I'm currently a Junior at the grand ole school of The University of Georgia...yay. woah buddy. Try not to hold that against me. I'm an art major focusing on Digital Media with a minor in film. Hopefully one of these days i'll be able to transfer into SCAD, that way my art degree will actually MEAN something. Here's hoping.

I'm lovingly engaged in my first true long term relationship with my everloving mate Gillian (aka pyroyote) and though i introduced her into this whole furry art thing she's taught me more about it then i could ever thank her for.

I'm a fan of any music genre but most especially i love my SKA! and classical music. Helps me think. I love a good read, some of my favorite authors being Mercedes Lackey, Tad Williams, and Michael Crichton.


I've been drawing ever since i can rememeber. I used to sell badly drawn pictures of the Ninja Turtles to classmates in the 3rd grade for a quarter, little money grubber that I was.

I was first influenced by the whole Furry scene when i ran across FURNATION one eventful bored afternoon back when i was in 8th grade. And WOAH! Lo and behold some of them were NEKKID! Imagine the joy to a joy pubescant boy who never had it good with the girls. Luckily i grew out of that part of furrydom pretty quickly, but i still love good anthropomorphic art. I stop by YERF and VCL at least once a day to check out all the stuff that's floating around out there. I'm thouroughly impressed and completely jealous of such artists as Traci Butler, Adam Wan, Heather Baeder and Christy Grandjean among many others.

I'm a bit dissapointed in my own progression as an artist. A look at my pictures would sow a relative lack of depth and well, 'life' among the characters portrayed there. It's so damn hard to make a two dimensional concoction of ink and paper look as if it's not as flat as it actually is. That and i still have problems breaking out of static poses. But i'm working at it, and hopefully one day i'll eventually be able to rank myself, artistically, up there with those artists that i respect and love right now.



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