Pyro's Animal Cracker Soup Bowl


Pyro's Animal Cracker Soup Bowl
Pyro's Pez despenser of all knowledge
Chance's tube of Ora-gel
Everything You Didn't Want to know about him...

YO...or hola..salve whatever.For the time being this be my art page..until I decide to REALLY sit down and bust on it.And if you dont like this I'll... CHOCOLATE CAKE CHOCOLATE CAKE CHOCOLATE CAKE CHOCOLATE CAKE!!!... chew on you...thats right.Actually thats your choice but if you do like it please feel free to make comments and such...uh..yeah.E-mail me and if you wanna talk I might give you my AOLIM name.
E-mail: Flamingyote@hotmail.com




Added a little bit of colored pencil.


Coyote helped me wake up yesterday morning...by shoving my toothbrush up my nose.He's so friendly! My friend said,"Aww...he only does that to people he really likes.

What a day

I drew and painted this to cover the ugly front of my student handbook,the only reason I'm keepin it is cuz of the calender.And now because of this nifty drawin.Hope you like it.


Ok...yes my life sometimes sucks.Alot...for alot of reasons.But this crappy pic made me feel a little better.The style of the were is influenced by Kyoht.Though I'm trying to break off a little and do my own weres.Thank-you Kyoht for being so generous.

Sometimes life sucks

I doodled this guy while sitting in my english class during a lecture.I was going to name him Mike and then I thought"Self..why name him Mike?People might think you're drawing Anyas Mike and that would be bad..because you suck so very much and she..well..doesnt."So..after many a pondering..I became generic and BEHOLD!!! He's named after a tree...

damn i'm sexy

Ahh..yes..my old style..well this is Carmen..like you couldnt tell.She's doing what she likes best...ART ART ART!!

Job well done

Well..yeah wehn the background is done I think its going to be a funny picture.I also thought it would sound pretty funny with that big bell and all."Call the guards!" *ching ching ching ching ching!*heehee..ok I'm demented..so?

Blink blink....

I tried using one of my favorite artists styles..K-9.He's so awesome!I hope I did him justice.Anyway,this is my friend Chris...he's busy with everything except me.I thought we were pretty good friends..he knows me better than anyone else but...
Chris if you ever see this...I miss you...

Miss you

Carmen offering a "dance" to someone...I like her outfit...though her pants look somewhat funky.I dunno..


Hmmm..this was an idea for a toy line that I wanted to make.The theme for this one would have been,"Hey kids! It's fun to play with death!"Though I dont think that would have sold many..

Its Fun To Play With Death!

I drew this two years ago while'st sitting in my geometry class.The hypoteneuse of a what?

next one through is MINE!

You know..I'd have to say that I really want a shirt like that.And I suddenly realized I draw alot of my charas crooked and floating in a white void of nothingness....FORGIVE ME!!*sobs*

damn i'm hot!

This won something at my state fair!! Woo! Anyway...NO,she's not a leper..she's a spotted hyena...I got that alot.Sorry

Hey there sailor!

Yes I have siblings.Four of them in fact making a grand total of FIVE.And this is the most annoying of them all..no I dont know why he's a rat except that he's vile and a big pain in the butt.Yeah yeah..he can be nice sometimes but that is NOT often...


My boyfriend took me to a Less Than Jake concert at the Masquerade.Anti-Flag played,Newfound glory and Teen-Idols!WOO! I'm a skankin fool!


I study quantum mechanics and during my studies I realized that some people arent reall..it's an interesting theory.What..? Dont look at me like that.


Yes..she's actually poledancing but i havent finished with her body and no it isnt TOO detailed.But I thought her head was pretty cool.

ooo lala!!

My sisters cat Samuel Bigglesworth..yeah yeah yeah I know.I just thought he was cute.


Just random sketches,my boyfriend loves the style I drew Carmen walking in.


Another pic from my AP art concentration.This is Sobek the god of the Nile.I like the water swirls..


Tyler!! He's SOOO cute! Anyway I think I might use him for web art somewhere later..


Again my boyfriend likes this one but I kinda dont...this is supposed to be me as a vixen..but I dont really look like that.I look more like PyroYote.


Thanks to Adam for helping me out.THANK YOU!! This is the new style I'm working on.My very own...This is probably one of my favorite things to do is just hang out at my friends skate park.And yeah...the can says pop.Thank you Adam...!

chillin after a run

Still working on getting better at drawing.This is me as I would be,my were self rather.No I'm not a wolf or a mutt I'm a coyote..and thats Coyote poking his head out of the shower to spout of a rather irrelevant observation.This depiction of Coyote looks alot like Kyohts(As a matter of fact I'm gonna go ahead and stick a (C)Kyohts art style in here),I'm sorry it wasnt meant to though she is a goddess in her art!This probably wont be up for long..god I'm stupid

Get out of the shower Coyote

Me in the subway




look...a goose


workin on it


Bastet...lounging on some comfy looking pillows with a come-hither look on her face.I did this as part of my concentration for AP art.And of course this is detail from the whole painting..its oil paint on canvasette.And oh yeah..she's the egyptian goddess of seduction.


Um...this is the second picture in a series..thats right..Carmen got busted by a cop for beautifying the city!Mean 'ole piggies!This is my much older style..when I first started drawing furries..

What'd i do?!

This is Carmen and her mate Chance...she's had a stressful day and as a result Chance is there to help out..yay!


I thought I'd re-vamp Chance's look.What do you think?I think he's much more yummy now...si!

ARGH! A floating head!!!

FORESHORTENING!!!!Wee! Ok enough of that..yeah well..*laughs* It looks like a camera is falling on her head..um..or something.


Christmas with my friends wasn't quite what I expected...colored version looked crappy so..yeah.I still bear scars from those christmas lights..*shudders*

OH yeah...happy holidays indeed

I was walking through the CNN center and all of a sudden I thought that it would be kind of cool to have on of my charas dance in front of the blue screen.So this is Tessler shakin' her groove thang....er something.

I'm a little teacup...

This is just a doodle I did.I guess its a DJ or just some canid who's really into their music.

...and i'm sensing something....

Uh yeah...I have to say that highschool sucked.It sucked big time...anyway.Enough angst..I'm free!!!*runs away cackling insanely*

dont ya want to just kick em?

I wanted to try a style similar to Brionna Canmpbells..(YOU ROCK!) I hope I did her justice..this cranky feline was inspired by Brionnas own uniqueness.


MMM...this is Jesup..I think he's tasty.Yes but sorry again for the white void of nothingness..its a disease...I SWEAR!!Doddled while sitting in I.S.S..as most of my friends know it isn't wise to piss me off.


Sitting in the salon while my sister got her hair done.I noticed an awesome leopard statue.The spots on it looked like kiss marks so that was kind of cool...


This is one of my friends charas...and no its not a hard-on I just forgot to put other folds in the towel..I think he's a pretty nifty lookin otter.

NOT a hardon!

My old old old style...old otter blacksmith...i dont really like him but my boyfriend forced me to up-load him.


This is an art trade with an awesome artist Gloria or Twap from yerf.This is my character PyroYote talking to her chara XE in latin...Yes she's asking him to buy her a pony.He's going to take her to meet Twap.


This is a pic I did for a friend named Shade.He's awesome and I figured he'd appreciate it.So if you ever see this Shade I wanna talk to you and hope to see you soon.
Love and Rockets!

I'm looking at what?

A nameless chara of mine..I like her and yes I had fun with the nozzle in corel...PLEASE DONT BEAT ME!!I just love sushi ...thats all..is that so wrong...?*cowers*Hey..the first person to e-mail me a name I like wins a free commision.


Another chance to win a commision! ITS TIME TO PLAY "NAME THAT CHARA!!"


I went on vacation to cocoa beach a little bit ago.I spent all my time surfing...me and my sis and friends.We surfed until the storms rolled in...then we slept for a little bit.And went back surfing.I'm very aware that you do not wear a leash on your wrist but I do when I'm carrying my board.I prefer longboards to shortboards though..The NA in the background stands for Natural Art surf shop.If you're ever down in Cocoa beach GO THERE!! THEY ROCK!!!

Pray for surf

Silver Throne